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Senior Information

Senior Information


 Google Classroom Code: ormcc7i

Please join the google classroom code above for important senior information updates.


WLHS Class of 2022 - Important Information


  • April 22 - Senior Breakfast/ Cap & Gown Delivery
  • Senior Parade 9:00am to SWLE or NWLE
  • April 26 - Cap & Gown Pictures (3rd & 4th Period)
  • May 16 - Honor’s Night (invitations will be sent)
  • May 20 - Senior Day (begins at 8:00 am)
  • May 22 - Baccalaureate Service @ Dudley Baptist   Church (4:00 pm)
  • May 27 - Graduation Practice (meet in WLHS GYM @ 8:00 am)
  • May 28 - Graduation @ 9:00 am (meet in gym at 8:00 am to line up and take class picture)


* The graduation ceremony is a formal event, and we would like to maintain the dignity of the occasion.  Therefore, please adhere to the following requirements:


  • Graduation attire:  

Boys - Dress pants (black), white shirt, dark shoes (not tennis shoes)

Girls - White dress, white or light colored shoes


  • Graduation Caps may be decorated on the top only - nothing should be hanging off the front or sides.


  • Graduation stoles and cords issued by the school are the only ones allowed to be worn during the ceremony (NO decorative/picture stoles, wraps, flags, etc. will be allowed.)


Cap and Gown/Graduation Announcements

Balfour is the official supplier for the graduation announcements and caps/gown orders for WLHS.